Many of the people of Matamoros have lost hope and need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. God Will Provide opened a church that currently has about 70 members. There is two weekly prayer gatherings, youth service, and as well Sunday school for children who come to Sunday service. Additionally, after every Sunday service the church provides a free meal to those who attend.


While serving in the communities, the Lord encouraged us to start building a children’s home, that could accommodate over 30 children. The orphanage will supply beds, nutritious meals, physical exercises and Biblical principles for character building.
The Live Change Center offered by our mission is a Christian-faith based, free, and six month program. We believe that only Jesus Christ can set someone free from addictions such as drugs or alcohol, by changing the inner root of the problem. The only thing we ask for is the sincere desire to change. The program is focused on solidifying a relationship with God, developing good characteristics, and as well work experience. Additionally, the leadership consists of missionaries and those who graduated the program themselves. Opportunities are presented to the students once they graduate the program.